Pre-School Room
Registered for children from 3 to 5 years to play and learn together before they start school.
Brighton & Hove Pre-School
Our Pre-School as provided high quality care and education for children aged 3 – 5 since 1988.
We have close links for children transitioning into the school and where we also provide an after-school club
Our highly qualified and experienced team consist of a very experienced Qualified Teacher, an Early Years Teacher and Level 3 Manager. Our Nursery Practitioners are all qualified to level 2 and 3.
We update our skills regularly and are up to date with current practice and Early Years legislation. This enables children to benefit from learning and development that is creative, inspired and focused.
Safe for your children
All staff have completed a 12 hour Paediatric First Aid Course, which is renewed every 3 years. Staff have excellent knowledge of the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage and are able to observe, assess and plan for individual children.
We pride ourselves on promoting children’s independence and equipping them with skills to support them in their next stage of learning.

Our setting is organised in a way to promote freedom of choice and autonomy. We ensure we listen to the voice of the child, consider their views and interests and plan accordingly. Children contribute to the planning and delight in organising their own learning. Guided of course by our experienced team.
We make the most of our big outside space and encourage children to be outside and learn. We go outside in all weathers and visit local parks and places of interest when ratio’s allow.
We offer experiences that cover the seven areas of learning in the EYFS and plan to encourage playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. Varied and interesting opportunities are carefully thought out, based on individual children’s interests and developmental next steps.
We have a strong Key Person system, which enhances the relationship between parents/carers and children. We keep parents updated with progress and development via an online learning journal and informal chats as required. We include parents in children’s learning and confidently support parents on how to continue learning at home.
We achieved a ‘Healthy Choice Award’ for our food menus. Every day we provide a healthy breakfast, lunch, two snacks and late afternoon home cooked tea, which is cooked on the premises.
All our meals are calculated to provide a balanced diet over the course of a week. Our menus rotate to provide a variety.
We can provide for most dietary requirements. In some circumstances some allergies and requirements may need to be discussed further with parents.
We take safeguarding and the welfare of our children extremely seriously and work with a wide range of professionals to ensure all children are fully supported.
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Baby Unit
Contact us to arrange a visit.
We work in partnership with families to provide the highest quality childcare in a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment.
The nursery is purpose-designed with interactive areas for a variety of educational activities.
Activities take place to encourage children to focus, these can include circle times, group times, books, cooking, and general activities.
Our planning is based on the interests & needs via observations.